Ross-on-Wye Town Council’s Tourism & Marketing Manager, working as part of the Ross-on-Wye Tourism Association, can be contacted at the town council offices below or by email at Tourist Information Centres can be found in the town centre at the following locations:
Ross-on-Wye Town Council
The Corn Exchange
7 High Street
HR9 5HL Open Monday to Friday: 09.30-13.00
Telephone: 01989 562373
Made in Ross
Market House – 1st floor
HR9 5NX Open daily: 10.00-16.00
Telephone: 01989 769398
Truffles Delicatessen
46 High Street
HR9 5HG Open Tuesday to Saturday: 09.00-16.00
Telephone: 01989 762336
Ross-on-Wye Tourism Association also works closely with the following tourism organisations to promote the town and the county.
Forest of Dean and Wye Valley Tourism