Tourist Information

Ross-on-Wye Town Council’s Tourism & Marketing Manager, working as part of the Ross-on-Wye Tourism Association, can be contacted at the town council offices below or by email at Tourist Information Centres can be found in the town centre at the following locations:

Ross-on-Wye Town Council
The Corn Exchange
7 High Street
HR9 5HL Open Monday to Friday: 09.30-13.00
Telephone: 01989 562373

Made in Ross
Market House – 1st floor
HR9 5NX Open daily: 10.00-16.00
Telephone: 01989 769398

Truffles Delicatessen
46 High Street
HR9 5HG Open Tuesday to Saturday: 09.00-16.00
Telephone: 01989 762336

Ross-on-Wye Tourism Association also works closely with the following tourism organisations to promote the town and the county.

Visit Herefordshire

Forest of Dean and Wye Valley Tourism

Eat, Sleep. Live Herefordshire

Ross-on-Wye Civic Society